Friday, March 18, 2016

Risk and danger of not using the pedestrian way

by Carlo Jay Canilao

When we were still young, we were always reminded to be safe while walking around the streets. These are lines told to us by our parents, which are repeated over and over. These lines maybe “look to the left then right before crossing” or “cross the streets while stepping into these white bars you see painted on it” and a lot more of these reminders.
                As we grow older, we have lived our lives embracing these aides-mémoires from our parents. However, do everyone really live up to these precautions? Sometimes, people are so lazy to step into these lanes provided for our own welfare and we tend to choose shortcuts which some lives have been cut short because of being irresponsible on the road.  Not all. Therefore, here are the dangers and risks of not using the pedestrian lanes especially here in the city of Cagayan de Oro, with the recent application of the ‘Hapsay Dalan’ where many are still ignorant to basic road discipline and safety.
One could be the ever-famous 500-peso charge. When in Cagayan de Oro, be sure to abide by traffic rules especially for pedestrian safety guidelines. Pedestrian lanes are to be used, when you neglect or forget to do this then be sure that no one in yellow-clad officer will catch you. Head’s up, these RTA enforces are deployed almost everywhere in the city streets. You have no choice but to discipline yourself and really use the pedestrian lane. If you are caught violating this rule, then you are charged to pay 500 pesos or commit to an hour’s worth of community service. Almost anyone who was caught paid and never resorts to doing cleaning work or wall painting.
                Paying 500 pesos could not really pay your life back the next time you cross the road and get yourself hit or bump by a moving vehicle. The danger of being an irresponsible pedestrian is fatal. Not using the lanes and following guidelines may lead us to serious injuries or worst, death. This is real danger. Crossing the roads irresponsibly is like giving ourselves to a pack of wolves.
                Danger is everywhere. Carelessness and ignorance is a deadly risk. Whether we like it or not, danger can be knocking in our car window or can crash us at any second if we’re not careful. One thing is for sure, danger cannot be present if we live a life knowledgeable and not in idiot way. Following simple rules could spare our lives. In the roads, if you are sure to be human then use what was made for you. Don’t be like a dog walking around like kings but then crashed like old day slaves.

                So Higala, be safe around the road! Focus Ba!

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